Locating a new factory or a bank branch should never be left to guesswork. Resources are finite and options are aplenty. A careful evaluation of the key factors impacting location can not only help you save money but help avoid the headaches that come with wrong decision making such as trouble with local workforce and poor infrastructure which impedes day to day working. Businesses come to AGR asking us to advise them on optimal plant or office location and we have done so many assignments that Avalon has its own proven model – PLAM- that assigns weights to qualitative and quantitative factors and arrive at the optimal location
PLAM is Project Location Assessment Model. The model requires data to be collected from desk research as well as face to face interactions with those in the neighbourhood. Our robust methodology has been applied in multiple industries and services sectors
AGR with its 30 years of experience can aid in identifying the best locations for you. We have compared locations across continents, countries and states to guide our clients to always make the right decisions. Factors such as sales growth/ potential, distances from existing factories and warehouses and logistics costs also go into our model and the sensitivity of the results to change in weights assigned to various factors can be tested.
Our model can advise you on your next factory location. The experienced team at Avalon is happy to help