GVaant (jee-vaa-nt) in the Sanskrit language means living or imbued with life. Our name signifies our purpose which is to imbue your business with a fresh lease of life. Our intelligent matching engine is built with our decades of experience with global business expansion and new market entry.
Growth Partners
Access more than 100,000+ (& counting) prospective distributors, dealers, customers, suppliers, agents, and other growth partners, which have been profiled and qualified across a multitude of success parameters, beyond just a name and phone number
Now find a growth partner for a wide range of 100+ product categories, be it a two-wheeler or an electric vehicle, crunchy packaged snacks or healthy rice bran oil, organic hair shampoo or a beauty spa, a 20-ton tractor or a 10 ml syringe or even a USD 50 million solar project
Explore growth beyond the traditional markets and tap into attractive opportunities from upcoming & emerging markets across the globe, be it Africa, Middle East or Asia
Benefits: The Gvaant Advantage
Time to get a match is shortened by as much as 80% compared to conventional processes. Unlock essential worktime for your sales team, so that they can focus on activating the strategy and hit the ground running before your competitors.
Negligible Investment
Our platform driven approach enables us to provide you basic prospecting and matchmaking services at such a low cost that it does not need any budget clearance from senior management and minimizes your risk of buying our services
Vast & Qualified Network
More than 100,000 (& counting) qualified distributors, dealers, and growth partners in 50 + countries, all vetted by us at-hand, to ensure our matchmaking algorithms find you the right partners across the globe
Tailor Made to your needs
Our Intelligence-driven technology ensures your requirements & criteria are not only captured but also evaluated & presented in the best possible manner. You do not just get qualified leads but the right matches!
E-connections with CXO/Owner for quick initiation of discussions without need to travel, thus reducing travel and related costs for introductory meetings & assessing the potential partner
Decision Oriented
Rating for each partner on key parameters enables quick decision making especially for top management. Flexibility and customization ensures that the parameters which are most important to you, are the ones that determine the qualification of leads & prospects