Our Expertise
Assignment Examples

Building Materials
Market study for construction materials in the GCC region

Market study for low cost housing in KSA

Seamless Tubes
Study of seamless tubes for oil and gas

Prioritization for market entry in biscuits and pasta market in the Middle East

Market report for cardiovascular drugs in the GCC

Human Resources
Market report on the human capital development in GCC

Market study on hospitality sector training in Middle East

Market for heavy commercial trucks in the GCC region

Telecom City
Study for a setting up a Telecom city in Tunisia

Mixed Use Real Estate
Feasibility study for one of the largest health care, leisure and real estate projects in MENA

Advising a paint company based in Oman on the private label paint opportunity among DIY chains in Europe

Animal Feed
Market study on animal feed industry

Consumer Durables
Market study for refrigerators and air conditioners

Analysis of opportunities for banking in Syria

Home Loans
Market study for mortgage financing

Techno commercial feasibility study for setting up a fragrance oil factory in KSA