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Home  »  Newsletters » Volume-i-2024  » Win Loss is not CRM analysis

Very few (if any) organizations will admit they don’t conduct win-loss analysis. After all, this is now deemed integral to every sales process. Since every CRM has a field for “Reasons for loss”, it is easy enough to analyze.

Any analysis is only as good as the data that is available. Yet, majority of organizations don’t take cognizance of the quality of data in their CRMs. This is the biggest reason for failing to get actionable insights.

Typically, after a lost deal, sales will reach out to the customer and ask for reasons, and this then goes into the CRM. However, data quality suffers due to a variety of reasons.

Recently, a client came to us with the results of their internal analysis. This showed that 34% of their losses were due to price, another 23% were due to the project being deferred, and 18% were due to budget constraints. We conducted a formal win-loss exercise, including speaking with decision-makers (customers) and trying to assess the real reasons.

The results were startling – at least for our client!

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